• Initial visits for new patients generally last 90 minutes and include the following: full intake of medical history, pulse and tongue reading, palpitation and orthopedic testing if applicable, and a focused conversation about what your needs and concerns are. Depending on the reason for your visit, we may speak extensively about your emotions or digestive system, or both! Your body is made of many parts all of which work together; Lucinda’s job is to help them do so optimally. The more Lucinda knows about you the better she can do her job.

    Follow-up visits generally last 60 minutes and begin with a report from you about results and changes from the last treatment and a physical exam if applicable. Lucinda will listen to what is going on with your life noting things like if there is an increase or decrease of stress.

    Aside from asking questions, listening, and observing, Lucinda will be treating you with sterile acupuncture filament needles. Lucinda believes in obtaining therapeutic results without causing discomfort. She works with the thinnest needles and always pay close attention to how you are feeling at the moment. Generally Lucinda treats the front of the body and back of the body, with about 20-30 minutes devoted to each side.

    Other modalities and tools she may use in her acupuncture treatments are electrical stimulation acupuncture, massage, Tui Na (Chinese Medical Massage), acupressure, moxa, gua sha, infra-red heat, and liniment application. You can expect that each acupuncture treatment you receive will be professional, intentional, and therapeutic.

    Facial Acupuncture

    Facial Acupuncture is the same as described above, with the addition of facial and scalp massage. Initial visits are 90 minutes with a full intake and exam. A discussion of what your goals are and how we will achieve them occurs and a plan is created. Follow-up sessions are 60 minutes and include a brief conversation of results and any changes that occurred since the last treatment. Facial acupuncture concentrates mainly on points in your face, but body points are also used to treat you holistically. Fine filament needles are placed strategically to target dark areas, wrinkles, sagging, dryness, acne, and any other concerns you might have. Facial and scalp massage completes your treatment and can include the use of a jade roller, jade gua sha tool, or silicone cups. You will feel and look your best after this treatment and can expect to see improvement in your complexion soon after. Dramatic results are visible generally after 10-12 sessions, but they are long-lasting as they come from within. Along the way you will enjoy benefits to your overall health and beauty.

    Pediatric Acupuncture

    Pediatric Acupuncture is suitable for those under the age of 18 years old. For infants and young children, needles are not used. At these ages, children respond very well to acupressure and the use of massage. For certain cases in older children, a needle might be used, but is removed immediately after. Common pediatric issues Lucinda treats are constipation, diarrhea, digestive upset, colic, difficulty sleeping, respiratory distress, allergies, and behavioral concerns. For older children and teenagers, common issues Lucinda addresses are stress, pain, anxiety, acne, mood, and digestive disorders. A parent or guardian is always present in the room during treatment.

  • LUCINDA offers sessions from 60 to 90 min.

    You will be greeted warmly and invited to discuss your needs; any questions you have will be answered and your story heard. After our brief conversation we will formulate an adaptable plan for the type of massage you will receive. Lucinda is proficient in Swedish Massage, Shiatsu, Thai, Tui Na Chinese Medical massage, and acupressure. Unless specified, the massages Lucinda gives incorporate all the techniques from each of the aforementioned types of massage. Lucinda does NOT believe in the notion of “no pain, no gain”, however Lucinda DOES believe in allowing change to take place naturally by utilizing the breath to alter patterns in the body and mind.

    ALEKS offers 60min Massage 90min Massage sessions

    Aleks’s sessions often include the latest researched methods such as: Dermo Neuro Modulation (DNM), a structured, interactive approach to manual therapy that considers the nervous system of the patient from skin cell to sense of self. Techniques are slow, light, kind, intelligent, responsive and effective.

    Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) is a stretching technique utilized to improve muscle elasticity and has been shown to have a positive effect on active and passive range of motions, Ortho-bionomy a wholistic approach to healing that works with the proprioceptic aspects of the nervous system to cue the self-corrective reflexes inherent in everyone. Ortho-Bionomy uses gentle positioning and movements which can allow tension patterns which are creating pain to relax, reset and reorganize from within. These and other approaches are blended with Shiatsu, Thai massage, and Tui Na all forms of Eastern hands on modalities.

    *ALL Sessions take place on a FDA-Approved Richway Amethyst Biomat 7000MX’s (far infrared mats with negative ions that help heal and restore tissue) for added benefit.

  • Lucinda offers prenatal massage during every trimester of pregnancy provided there is absence of complications. In the first trimester, if you are comfortable, you can receive a prenatal massage while lying face down and face up. In the second and third trimesters, all prenatal massages are given with you lying on your side while propped and supported by multiple pillows. It is not unusual for a prenatal client in this side lying position to feel very relaxed and sleepy. Lucinda is certified in prenatal massage therapy trained under the tutelage of Kiera Nagle the creator of MaMassage®, a prenatal massage therapy that combines various techniques like Swedish massage, manual lymph drainage, and acupressure. Common pregnancy-related concerns such as low back ache, upper body tension, headaches, fatigue, nausea, and hip pain are treated. After your prenatal massage we can talk about “homework” you can do for self-care such as stretches, mindfulness activities, or eating supportive foods. What is most important is to help you feel strong and capable in your body.


    Postpartum is often considered to be 6-8 wks after birth, but Lucinda feels it can be defined as spanning a much longer time after the newborn arrives. Whether you had a C-section or delivered naturally, are nursing or not, had a positive or negative birth, Lucinda is flexible and adaptable to accommodate all possibilities of postpartum life. Massage after giving birth can be very supportive to lactation, relieving of constipation and swelling, lifting the mood, and increasing energy. Types of massage that are appropriate for the traditional “First 40 Days” after childbirth are: Swedish, manual lymph drainage, craniosacral, acupressure, and reflexology. You may receive your postpartum massage lying face down, lying on your side, or in a semi-reclining face up position- it depends on where you feel comfortable. After your postpartum massage we can talk about “homework” that will support and nourish you. It is important to take care of your body and soul at this particular time.

  • Somatic work is the missing link. ALL of our sessions will involve some form of somatic work.

    Aleks uses both Feldnekrais Method’s Functional Integration® and Somatic Experiencing®

    “The Somatic Experiencing® method is a body-oriented approach to healing trauma and other stress disorders. It is the life’s work of Peter A. Levine, PhD, resulting from his multidisciplinary study of stress physiology, ethology, biology, neuroscience, psychology, and indigenous healing practices, together with over 50 years of successful clinical application. The SE™ approach releases traumatic shock and restores connection, which is key to transforming PTSD and the wounds of emotional and early developmental attachment trauma. It offers a framework to assess where a person is “stuck” in the fight, flight or freeze responses and provides clinical tools to resolve these fixated physiological states. “

    Aleks is currently a student in the SE program, he is authorized to practice Somatic Experiencing®

    “The Feldenkrais Method® of somatic education uses gentle movement and directed attention to help people learn new and more effective ways of living the life they want. You can increase your ease and range of motion, improve your flexibility and coordination, and rediscover your innate capacity for graceful, efficient movement. Since how you move is how you move through life, these improvements will often enhance your thinking, emotional regulation, and problem-solving capabilities.

    The Feldenkrais Method is based on principles of physics, biomechanics, and an empirical understanding of learning and human development. Moshe Feldenkrais said, “We move according to our perceived self-image.” By expanding your perception and increasing awareness, you will become more aware of your habits and tensions and develop new ways of moving. By increasing sensitivity, the Feldenkrais Method assists you to live your life more fully, efficiently, and comfortably.

    Functional Integration® sessions are one on one lessons where the fully clothed student is guided through touch, movement and verbal instruction.”

  • Cupping Session- mobile and vacuum cups are used in tandem with massage techniques to target deep rooted tension. Cups are great at pulling while most other techniques push down. Together these two main techniques offer the body the best possible decompression from latent stress.

  • Brief intake with patient, followed by placement of ear seeds of choice. Non invasive acupressure treatment good for: Low back pain, smoking cessation, anxiety, trouble sleeping, pain management, and weight loss.

  • Deep Oscillation is a unique, patented, proven, non-invasive therapy method that creates biological oscillations using electrostatic attraction and friction. This generates a gentle kneading effect deep within the tissue.

    Used specifically in Lymphedema, Scar Therapy, Pre-Post Op treatments, Fibrosis, tendon/ligament tears and ruptures, muscle soreness, muscle repair, muscle and joint pain.

    Deep oscillation therapy supports, intensifies, and improves the effects and lastingness of other therapeutic methods and manual techniques such as manual lymphatic drainage, classic massage, anti-edemic therapy and vibrational massage.

    Electrostatic Compressive Force Attracts And Drops Tissue Up To 250x Per Second

    Pulsing electrostatic field creates a resonant vibration up to 8 cm throughout the entire depth of the tissue – skin, connective tissue, interstitial area, subcutaneous fat, muscles, blood and lymph vessels.

    Q. Is it safe for the patient or therapist to wear jewelry?

    A. Yes, metal is not a contraindication with Hivamat unlike with other modalities. Safe to use over implants too.

    Q. Is patient electrically charged up during treatment?

    A. No. Hivamat uses an electrostatic field with almost no electrical current and is equipped with a patented active discharge technology.

    Q. What adverse patient symptoms should I look for?

    A. Discontinue treatment if unpleasant feelings are reported by patient.

    Q. Do contraindications apply to therapists?

    A. Yes, when applying deep oscillation with hands. Contraindications can be avoided by using applicators.

    Q. What is happening if the patient or therapist feels a shock?

    A. This means there is a direct contact due to damaged gloves or applicator membrane, thin or poor quality gloves, or direct skin contact between practitioner and patient during treatment with gloves.

    Q. Can Hivamat be applied to treatment areas with hair?

    A. Yes it can, but it might be necessary to use a Saran wrap.

    Q. Is Hivamat safe to use immediately following surgery?

    A. Studies showed that Hivamat can be used safely from day one post surgery. However, it is advisable to have an authorization from the treating physician beforehand.

  • The Dolphin Neurostim is the world’s first device specifically designed for to reduce sympathetic stress for the reduction of soft tissue pain. Dolphin applies brief, concentrated DC micro-impulses to key neurological points (called MPS Therapy) that reduce nervous system stress to relax muscles and relieve pain. This natural but potent form of pain relief is now being applied in over 60,000 hospitals and pain clinics world-wide.

    The Dolphin DC Microcurrent gently whispers at the body’s fascia and nervous systems, soliciting a deep, healing response that reverberates throughout the entire body.

    The Dolphin’s stimulation is thousands of times less in strength than traditional AC TENS devices and is therefore far safer – and far more effective – in the treatment of chronic and acute pain.

    To treat scars, the Center For Pain & Stress Research (CPSR) developed Scar Release Therapy (SRT), a clinically tested solution for reducing the ill-effects scars have on our bodies. SRT applies Microcurrent Point stimulation (MPS), a patented solution that increases inter-cellular metabolism, protein synthesis and healing functioning to re-awaken the skin’s ability to self-generate.


    SRT IS PUBLISHED IN SCIENCE to deliver between 73.2% – 82.02 pain relief after a single application. (IJCAM 2017, OGN 2018). This is twice (2x) the average pain relief of all other published pain therapies.

What we Work on Most

We see many populations with many complicated life situations but here is a brief breakdown of cases we work on.