At Light Years we Hear you. we want to be on your team and we treat you that way. From the moment you walk through our RED DOOR, to the moment you Leave, all the stress of the world is kept outside.

A Team Approach

Integrating our methods into your care is what we are about. Whether you are beginning the journey or working with a PT, chiropractor, mental health professional and a team of doctors for specific conditions we are here to assist and support that care. We are actively learning and doing research in our field of medicine as well as other avenues of research. No matter how difficult your case may seem, we will study it and look for novel approaches that could lead to new pathways to move forward.

Being a team  we compliment each other, we support each other, and we are able to offer this type of custom treatment to our clients. Lucinda is tuned into the pre/post natal massage world and enjoys working with families and children. Aleks gravitates towards medical massage, trauma, “degenerative” conditions, scar tissue work, and somatic work (practitioners of somatic therapy address mind and body as intimately connected though not always in apparent ways.)

Lucinda Lin
  • Lucinda Lin-Degtyarev is a NY state licensed Acupuncturist and Massage therapist. As a married, working mother who went through graduate school while pregnant, she understands the push and pull of fulfilling various roles while rising to the challenges of cultivating a profession and healthy creative self. Lucinda is a graduate of the esteemed school Pacific College of Health and Science where she received her Bachelor of Occupational Studies and Master of Science in Acupuncture with Chinese Herbal Specialization. She had the privilege of learning from experts in her fields including Dr. Wen-Chiang Pai, Mingxia Li, Dr. Thomas Leung of Kamwo Herbs, and Kiera Nagle founder of MaMassage®.

    This triple combo of modalities is at the core of Lucinda's approach to working with her clients and patients. Her style of treatment is customized to each person and their presentation each time they work together. With her dual license, Lucinda can treat a wide variety of issues, but has special interest in promoting family health, prenatal/postnatal care, pediatric health, musculoskeletal pain, adrenal fatigue, and the mind-body connection. She strongly believes that what happens in the mind and heart has great influence in the physical body, and vice versa.

    Lucinda has a great love for and connection to the natural world; she is very happy hiking, camping, and doing yard work. Growing and using medicinal herbs is another way in which she connects to nature. While studying Chinese herbal medicine in school, she found out that her paternal ancestors were farmers of medicinal herbs in China. It was a great feeling for her to come full circle back to her roots.

Aleks Degtyarev, massage therapist
  • Aleks Degtyarev is a New York State Licensed Massage Therapist. Sustaining many difficult sports injuries throughout his life he has learned to practice and treat himself and others with patience. He views the body’s ability to recover as a true miracle given how long an injury can persist emotionally, mentally, and physically.

    Aleks received his formal training at Pacific College of Health and Science (Formerly Pacific College of Oriental Medicine) having had the sincere pleasure to study Tui Na under Master Yang, Fukui whose family tradition of Chinese medicine and Chinese martial arts (Yang style Tai Chi) goes back thousands of years and to receive his sport medicine certification under Tania Velazquez who has been practicing over 20 years and is an innovator in the LMT world. This push and pull between Eastern and Western approaches has tempered his style and he continues to do research into both streams of medicine— incorporating his findings on the massage table and working closely with each client to makes sure that every session is a collaboration of healing. Aleks is currently enrolled in the Somatic Experiencing International 3 year Program. Studying Somatic Experiencing with Deborah Clydesdale. Besides the use of manual therapy and Somatic Techniques Aleks employs proven and FDA approved electronic therapies into his work. Deep Oscillation Therapy has a 30 year track record of being effective for everything from post-op care to sport medicine orthopedic injury. Dolphin Neurostim is an exceptionally effective tool for trreating everything from long haul Covid and lung ailment cases to a host of injuries and syndromes from Bells palsy to head trauma.

    Aleks is an émigré from the former Soviet Union’s, Ukraine. He has studied Krav Maga under the late master instructor, Kevin Williams of the Haim Zut Krav Maga Federation (out of Israel). Aleks has also studied Qi Gong with sifu and Chinese medical practitioner Hal Asbury. He has studied Systema with instructor Oleg Palovinchik. Aleks holds a BA in Cinema Cultural Studies from Stony Brook University and Masters credits in Media in Art Education from UArts. Aleks has taught art and film to children and teens in New York City and Philadelphia. His hobbies include hiking, cooking, and playing with digital and analog synthesizers.

Our Philosophy

We do not believe you must change to be happy. Rather, you must know and cultivate what is good about yourself. You already possess everything you need to be happy. There are many approaches to this end, and they all begin with touch. Nothing is more therapeutic than touch, this is something often lacking in medicine, this is the major component that we as practitioners fill in.